18 July 2017

Day 12 - Trust Walk

Trust Walk Day 12:  I trust You, Lord.  My children will serve you. Proverbs 22:6

As parents, our children can sometimes be the closest people to us (other than our spouse).  It can be very difficult to see them go astray, have pain, or live through difficult times. 

To test this out, try praying healing over them.  You may find that when you pray healing over yourself, you will see immediate manifestation of the promised word that you are healed and made whole, nothing lacking, nothing broken.  At times, professing the same words over your children may not render an immediate result.  When you check your faith level, doubt may have crept in because you have to watch your children suffer, or it simply may be because you cannot feel what they feel so there is no confirmation.  The younger the child is, the more difficult it may be.  Young children cannot confirm healing can they?  You have only your faith to hold you.  Therefore, you have no choice but you trust God with your children!

Rest assured that every promise made by God applies to your seed as well.  Be encouraged to know that your faith can move them not only to the manifestation of healing, but also salvation and receipt of Holy Spirit.  Your trust in God can do so much for your young AND old(er) children.  Every ounce of the Word that has been poured into them and witnessed by them will produce a good return!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

This is a promise.  If you have followed this principle in the Word, you are guaranteed that they will return to their True Love.  Your child may be strung out on drugs, prostituting, acting on homosexual urges, or even committed murder.  They will return to the Good Shepherd.  They will return Home.  They have no choice because they cannot depart from it.  So says the word? 

Not convinced? Well we all now the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).  If not, in essence a son got high and mighty and decided he was better off without his family.  He decided he was ready to move out…he wanted to do his own thing.  He took his inheritance and bounced!  He went into the city, he laughed, he played, he ate, and he partied.  When his money was gone, so were the people he partied with.  Things were so bad, when he was finally able to find a job cleaning after pigs, he also had to take his meals with the pigs.

In true form of a rebellious child, he decided he would return home knowing his parents would never turn him away.  He plotted that he’d seek their forgiveness and work off his ‘disobedience’. He headed home.  The father saw him in the distance and ran out to meet him.  He was welcomed with gifts and a party. 

The point here is not that he was welcomed, but more so that he returned home – to what he knew.  Just as the proverb said he would, this young fellow returned to what he knew: HOME. 

Be encouraged that your son or daughter may be living contrary to the word of God, but before they leave this Earth, if you have trained them up in the way they should go, they will return to God.  Like the father, Our Father is readily waiting to receive them.

You may be tempted to help God with our children.  Don’t.  Trust Him.  Like He knew you before you were born, He knew them as well.  He knew they would turn away from Him and He knows the day they will return.  And return they shall!  It’s a promise and He never breaks His promises.  So trust Him.

Your children will return.  Go to bed.  Rest assured.  Know that the Word will prevail and they will return Home.


Keiyia JOYet George

Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!


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